Films and videos

Voices of young people in Hull

Young people at the Flipside Project, run by the Warren and Cornerhouse in Hull, have created 'A Life Backwards' video on YouTube.

Clarissa's story

'Clarissa' the film aims to create change through insights within the storyline of the main character, Clarissa. Her story is one of trauma, the importance of trust, and how this impacts someone’s experiences of healthcare. It has been woven together from real experiences of people trying to access the healthcare system while facing homelessness in the UK.


The Less? film is of personal stories and journeys to health from people who have experienced and overcome homelessness.

North East and North Cumbria NHS - Stigma Kills

Tackling stigma is key to providing the great care people need as they recover from addiction. The Stigma Kills video shows the North East and North Cumbria Alcohol Care Team nurses and service users explain why, and share their personal experiences.

NHS Addictions Provider Alliance - Stigma Kills

The NHS Addictions Provider Alliance animation developed by Brightsparks Agency as part of a national NHS behaviour change campaign. The campaign highlights the damaging effects of stigmatising language and attitudes to those who experience addiction.

What is Trauma?

The author of "The Body Keeps the Score" answers the question - "What is Trauma?".

How Bodies Store Trauma

Acclaimed psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk, author of “The Body Keeps The Score,” discusses How Bodies Store Trauma - the widespread existence of trauma and how it manifests in our bodies.

How to Heal from Trauma

6 ways to heal trauma without medication, from the author of “The Body Keeps the Score,” Bessel van der Kolk.

The Trauma Of Abandonment

Dr. Gabor Mate talks about The Trauma of Abandonment - how big is the impact of our emotions to our physical body; and how this impacts everyone since early ages. Dr. Gabor Mate talks a lot about trauma and how it really affects us if we don't make it conscious.